It’s Not My Fault…

… I blame the Pacific Time Zone, the Olympics, Harper Lee and Apple.

I’m a very, very bad blogger. The worst ever. So bad that this is about the bajillionth time I’ve started a post like this and I haven’t even been at this for a year, but really it’s not all my fault this time.

I had two work trips- one being to DuPont, Washington and that time change did not agree with me one bit. I’ve been to Seattle a couple of times but this was my first trip to venture a bit south and I think it may be prettier than Seattle. I didn’t get to enjoy it much because of their crazy traffic, my crazy tiredness due to the stupid Pacific time zone and facilitating all day #introvertneedstorecharge but we had dinner in Olympia one evening and here is how gorgeous it was.

And when you’re driving in on I-5 (perhaps the worst interstate I’ve ever encountered. Sorry Washingtonians, your traffic is all kinds of awful. Even my coworker from Atlanta said it was worse. We’re considering getting Tshirts that say “I Survived I-5,”) you catch these little glimpses of Mt. Ranier. I love Tennessee and I think it’s beautiful in it’s own way but I honestly think this is the most breathtakingly beautiful part of the country I have been to. Even with the worst interstate ever.

Not the best pictures ever from the backseat of a car in the middle of rush hour with an iPhone that is on it’s last leg, but you get the point. Ah-Mazing.

And I must show you these HUGE potted plants at the restaurant. Must copy these!

And then there were the Olympics. It’s kind of hard to write something brilliant when you’re glued to the TV every night. And by “glued to the TV,” I mean, I fell asleep on the couch every night watching the Olympics but would conveniently wake up to see the US win gold and feel like I saw everything. Missy Franklin is my new hero. Call me, Missy.

And I’m also following through with one of my personal goals: Rereading To Kill A Mockingbird. I think that book is better every time I read it. I also think I may change my name to Scout.

And just this weekend I realized a little issue with my bajillion year old, love of my life MacBook. The battery is done. Stick a fork in it. It only functions when plugged up which in theory is just fine but if you own a MacBook you know how easily it unplugs as a safety feature. Now that feature kills everything. #saveeverythreeseconds

So there is my laundry list of excuses of why I cannot get everything done. You see it’s not my fault one bit. It’s also not my fault that my house is a mess, Avery needs a bath and my to do list is longer than my to do time and money. But I’ll get there eventually. And until then, here’s a cute little picture of Avery snuggling.

Before and After: Avery Edition

Happy Monday! What’s better than cute puppy makeover to start your week off right? I can’t think of anything so here you go.

I’m a bad puppy mommy and always let Avery’s hair get too long and shaggy before I take her for a haircut. She’s cute shaggy, but really?

Poor little girl deserved a spa day! So we took her on Friday for a full make-over and day camp. Her report cards were perfect, as expected…

And how did she look? You tell me…

I don’t think it can get much cuter than that! I know things have been quiet around here lately, but be sure to come back tomorrow for a Pinterest Challenge reveal. I’ve been sewing :)

Hope you all have an amazing week!

Easter Tablescape

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! We sure did and I think I still have a food hangover but don’t confuse that with a complaint. The only time I ever complain about food is when it’s gone or fish. Ick.

Anyway, we had the best day. Sunday was also our FIRST ANNIVERSARY (yay) but it was actually our second married Easter. Last year was a royal crash and burn- our AC went out and since it was later in April it was roasting so we cancelled Easter dinner and grilled for 2 after church (I also had enough wardrobe malfunctions for a lifetime that morning getting ready for church and wore the worst dress in my closet, but I’m over it now, or maybe I’m not.)

So this year we kept our plans and hosted both sets of parents, with perfect open window weather and had enough food for an army. It was a small affair of six, but I still like to set a pretty table so I must share! Easter may be over, but this will still work for a festive Spring table and guess what, it was super cheap. Take a look…

If you’ve visited Home Sweet Here even once you know that my projects rarely turn out perfect or how I originally intended, butI have to say that this is one of my favorite tablescapes ever. I heart it. It makes me happy.

You know how I said it was cheap? Let’s talk about that. I made a few little purchases to pull this look off. I got  2 bunches of Tulips from Trader Joe’s at $4.99 each and…

…some fancy smancy vase filler, aka split peas for $0.99 at the grocery store. They are the perfect shade of green. 

And no Easter table is complete without a little Easter basket. The little boxes and filler were Dollar Tree finds (for a whopping $3) and the candy was a $3 Target investment. It was good and now it’s almost gone. Happy Easter.

The rest of the centerpiece is just my $0.99 votives from Target and an assortment of Dollar Tree Vases. If you’re keeping count- this cost a grand total of $Cheap.

Add in my great aunt’s green glasses… And a simple table setting with a napkin for a pop of color…and your favorite people and you got a perfect Easter-Versary table. (thanks Dad About You for that phrase)

And speaking of favorite people, I was reminded that it has been too long since an Avery picture so here are a few. She needs a haircut, but she is the cutest little shaggy girl ever.

Pretty Girl!

(And thanks for the reminder about Avery Pictures, Diane! And if any of you need a recommendation on a book, check out Diane’s Blog. I added a new selection to my list from hers like 5 seconds ago!) 

Back to Easter- I still need to share some food with you and our anniversary weekend festivities. I’m sure you can’t sleep with anticipation but we’ll get to all of that. But for now, proof of our fabulous Easter lunch ;)Â